Amazon S3 File Upload Api Call


I don't think it's necessary for you to use the Rest API for this. The s3.upload method used in the javascript example you linked does support multipart uploads for large files according to the following AWS blog post:. A browser example is included, although it uses bucket.upload rather than s3.upload. It also includes examples of tracking progress, configuring concurrency and part size and handling failures.It does say with respect to browser uploads that 'In order to support large file uploads in the browser, you must ensure that your CORS configuration exposes the ETag header; otherwise, your multipart uploads will not succeed. See the guide for more information on how to expose this header.' Possibly the CORS configuration may also need to allow more methods than listed in the 'Configuring CORS' section of the example you linked.

The two methods responsible for uploading and deleting files are annotated with @Async to make them asynchronous. That means those methods will be executed in some other background thread except the main thread (the thread responsible for serving the request)When uploading files, the below code segment is responsible for adding PublicRead permissions to the file being uploaded.

It means that anyone who has the file url can access the file. WithCannedAcl( CannedAccessControlList. Testing ApplicationLets upload a file.Let’s test our application by making requests using Postman. We need to choose POST method, in the Body we should select ‘ form-data’. As a key we should enter ‘ file’ and choose value type ‘ File’. Then choose any file from your local drive as a value.As you can see that, we are trying to send a POST request to /files endpoint with file called “ zuul-api-gateway.jpg“.

Amazon S3 File Upload Api Call Center

Once the request is submitted, the file will be uploaded to the S3 bucket in the background thread ( @Async method).Once the file is uploaded (after few seconds), it should be listed under your S3 bucket as follows.Lets remove a fileIn order to delete the file, the following HTTP DELETE request to the following endpoint should be sent along with name of the file to be deleted.DELETE again go back to the Amazon S3 bucket and check whether the file exists there. You can see that file is successfully removed and no longer listed there.In this article, we have discussed how to upload files to the Amazon S3 bucket and how to remove the stored files. If you have any query or clarification, please feel free to drop a comment or message.The Source CodeThe complete source code of this article can be found at.