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Osho - Remastered - Volume 1 torrent contains theaudio versions of the books that have been released in remasteredand fluctuation meditation versions:To download via torrent magnet links, start the torrent program and click on oneof the following magnet links to start downloading. You might have to wait until some people are presentto seed the torrent and it might take days if collection is not well supportedby other people. But it does not hurt to simply let your torrent program rununtil someone comes in with the goods.(Uncategorized by religion)Recommended mega-collection312 books in PDF format, 400 MBThis is the biggest and probably the most supported collection of Oshobooks in PDF format with plenty of seeders at any given time.It is well seeded, which means you should be able to download itwithin a couple of minutes.(Uncategorized by religion)207 books in PDF format, 141 MB.(One huge PDF file, very slow to open or view. Osho Books Master CollectionIn BTSync, create a new folder and enter the key ('secret'), shown below.
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6, 2014)1.23 GB.(Complete - up to Sept. 6, 2013)1.03 GB.(Complete - up to Sept. 6, 2013)844 MB.(Complete - up to Aug. 3, 2012)884 MB.(Complete - up to Aug. 3, 2012)693 MBEthnic music is music that is aliveThere is a difference between the music that is of the mind,CONSTRUCTED by the mind my manipulation and recombination ofmental constructions and the music that has a real beauty,because it is alive.This is probably the most important characteristic of any music.But what does it mean alive and how does one know it is?Well, first of all, how do you distinguish something alive fromsomething dead, especially in things like music, and is it possibleto distinguish it?Let us look at it. The prime evidence of something alive would bethe criteria that indicates that it lives on as times come and go.It is still there. That is what 'alive' means.
Osho Hindi Audio Free Download
It does not die forall sorts of reasons. Centuries and generations come and go and itis still there.WHY is it still there and does not go out of fashion?Well, because it is REAL! It has the real beauty hidden in it andis not merely full of all sorts of repetitive patterns that areartificial in their nature and are merely the constructions of themind.Yes, there are also repetitions and patterns present in ethnic music,but at least some of them carry such a beauty and such a profound'hidden message', that one is compelled to listen and repeat it againand again. Repetition, by itself, does not necessarily mean somethingartificial, created as purely mental construction. There are themesin ethnic music that are so beautiful, so powerful and seem to carrysuch a depth, that one is simply compelled to repeat it.How ethnic music is created and how it came to be is nearly impossibleto describe or evaluate. But what is clearly visible in it is somestructures that came to some people during the creative expression andthey were so compelling that they seemed to be alive and as real asit gets.
Osho Speech In Hindi
And when other musicians and plain people heard it, they justwanted to also sing and play this melody or a pattern and it began togain a life of its own. And, as time was passing by, these melodiesor patterns did not get stale, boring and were not eventually seen assomething insignificant, some passing thing. BELOVED MASTER,CAN INTELLECTUAL ACTIVITY BE CREATIVE?Anand Savita, intellect is something pseudo, something false. It is a substitute forintelligence. Intelligence is a totally different phenomenon - the real thing.Intelligence needs tremendous courage, intelligence needs an adventurous life.Intelligence needs that you are always going into the unknown, into the uncharted sea.Then intelligence grows, it becomes sharpened. It grows only when it encounters theunknown every moment.
People are afraid of the unknown, people feel insecure withthe unknown. They don't want to go beyond the familiar. Hence they have created afalse, plastic substitute for intelligence - they call it intellect.Intellect is only a mental game; it cannot be creative.
Intellect is imaginative, but notcreative. Intelligence is creative.
Intelligence creates because intelligence makes youcapable of participating with God. God is the source of all creativity. You can becreative only when you are EN RAPPORT with God, when you are rooted in the veryexistence, when you are part of divine energy. You cannot be creative on your own; youcan be creative only as a medium of God.When the poet creates he is only a medium, a hollow bamboo on the lips of God. Andsuddenly the hollow bamboo is no longer a hollow bamboo - it becomes a flute. Theemptiness of the bamboo becomes full of song, dance, celebration.The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4As you will see yourselves, if you wish to see, you will notice sometremendous depth in the ethnic music, depth that you will not be ableto find in any even the most 'sophisticated' music created by the'professional' musicians.People's music is created not after going to some music school andstudying all sorts of techniques and tricks on how to 'make' musicand how to play.
Ethnic musicians usually learn directly from thereal musicians and not from some 'professors' in the conservatories.There are plenty of other things that could be said about the ethnicmusic, but the prime and most fundamental aspect of it is that itis REAL and it is ALIVE, unlike nearly all other music there is.One other interesting and quite unexpected aspect of it is thatthe ethnic music is meditative in its very nature. When you hear it,you are pretty much bound to 'fall' into a meditative state.Just listening to its beauty and its Life carrying nature bringsone to this very moment, a moment of beauty and joy. It givesone energy and creates an impetus to BE, to continue, to go onin Life, even if it is sad.So, what distinguishes the ethnic music from nearly all other musicis LIFE.
It is the very carrier of Life and eternal reminder of theintrinsic Joy, Wisdom and Depth.How to listen to musicWell, this is something very significant and even has somekey level consequences. That is why it has to be spoken about.Yes, this is one of the most difficult subjects to talk about,but what to do?Just don't take every word here literally, on faith, becausethings are not as clearcut as it might look and there are exceptionsand border cases everywhere and some things could be interpreteddifferently. Everything with something as intangible as musicis highly individualized and depends on the individual, his needsand a level of his growth.From the very start, I'd like to mention that one should not belistening to music all the time, like a background to everythingyou do. Because the effects might bejust the opposite to what one hopes to achieve. Because if youare always surrounded by the music, it has a zombifying effect.It takes over your mind and consciousness, or, rather, SUB-conscious,and you, without realizing it, simply become suggestive and passive,like a robot, driven by some program. In a way, it works just like any drug.Because it may slant the deeper levels of your mind and soul,stuffing it, or jamming it with something that keeps you 'busy',at least on the level of your mind, it may become a surrogate toreal life.
Note: Some of these collections require using the headphones insteadof regular speakers. Binaural Beats: Digital DrugsDifferent people may find certain binaural beats to be relaxing or energizing.
But, we've never found any reliable indication that a binaural beat's connection to our brain is any deeper or more meaningful than any other music track.We do know for a reasonable certainty that specific claims made by most sellers of binaural beats are not credible, and that there is no reason to think that the effect they're claimed to produce will work for you. So, in summary, binaural beats certainly do not work the way the sellers claim, but there's no reason to think they're any less effective than any other music track you might listen to that effects you in a way you like.If they make you sleepy (like they all do for me), use them to go to sleep.
If they relax you or get you amped, use them for that. But don't expect them to be any more effective than regular music.References & Further Reading.Adams, C. 'Can Binaural Beats Improve Your Mood?' The Straight Dope. Creative Loafing Media, Inc., 30 Jul.
2012.Carter, C. 'Healthcare performance and the effects of the binaural beats on human blood pressure and heart rate.' Journal of Hospital Marketing and Public Relations. 2008, Volume 18, Number 2: 213-219.Karino, S., Yumoto, M., Itoh, K., Uno, A., Yamakawa, K., Sekimoto, S., Kaga, K.
'Neuromagnetic responses to binaural beat in human cerebral cortex.' Journal of Neurophysiology. 2006, Volume 96, Number 4: 1927-38.Padmanabhan, R., Hildreth, A.J., Laws, D. 'A prospective, randomised, controlled study examining binaural beat audio and pre-operative anxiety in patients undergoing general anaesthesia for day case surgery.' 2005, Volume 60, Number 9: 874-877.Pratt H., Starr A., Michalewski H.J., Dimitrijevic A., Bleich N., Mittelman N.
'Cortical evoked potentials to an auditory illusion: Binaural beats.' Clinical Neurophysiology.
2009, 120, 8: 1514-1524.Schwarz, D.W., Taylor, P. 'Human auditory steady state responses to binaural and monaural beats.' Clinical Neurophysiology. 2005, Volume 113, Number 3: 658-668.Note about Dr.
Thompson is one of the top names on thebrainwave stimulation and 'entrainment' market.He is a prolific author and has produced a pretty large collection ofbrainwave related recordings.We can not confirm the claims about the effectiveness of his recordings,as far as meditation facilitation goes, but still, at least from thestandpoint of music, it is worth a listen. It is quite relaxing.His collection of the classical music as a background for his recordingsis certainly one of the most exquisite of what is available.It is called 'Dr.

Jeffrey Thompson - Brainwave Symphony'.On the top of it, his CDs are not much more expensive than plain music recordings,so it is worth a buy, regardless of the claims about meditation or anything else.Meditation music and chantsFirst of all, and to sum it up, probably the 'best' meditation 'music' is the sounds of the Planets, just as released, for example, from NASA in NASA Voyager Space Sounds collections.What is quite wild about it, especially if we listen to the Earth Symphony recordings, is that there is something wild going on. It simply blows one's mind if he is a musician. It turns out that the sounds we hear on these recordings are not just some noise, or even semi-tonal noise, or a pink noise as it is called.The sounds we hear have a clearly tonal characteristics, meaning that they sound like the notes of a musical instrument, and what is even more 'wild' about it, is that they perfectly correspond to the tones of the musical scale, just like notes A, B, C, etc.
And that means that our musical scales were not just 'invented' by some 'genius'. They simply represent the Cosmic Proportions.And, if THAT is the case, it means that all that we know, as to the 'materialism' is not only a myth, but one of the biggest lies in the entire history of this planet. Not that matter does not exist. It does, simply because you can touch it. But what it also means that we were lied about the so called 'random nature of existence'.Because it is NOT random, and have NEVER been such. There are underlying and most fundamental LAWS operating 'under the hood' and this information was withheld from the mankind, just to keep him from knowing the most important and fundamental principles of nothing less than Existence itself.Now, about the 'real' 'meditation' music.The real meditation music, created by those who are the meditators themselves,is a particular kind of music.
Most of the music sold or promoted asmeditative is not really meditative. Actually, some of it has basicallynothing to do with meditation as such. It is basically a 'tripping' music,meaning that yes, it is not aggressive, but, at the same time, much of it,if not most, is inducing the mind trips with all sorts of imagery ofartificial and imaginary 'beauty' or 'tripping' of all kinds.Basically, the meditation music should not induce any mental activity.That is the whole point of meditation. As soon as you create any kindof imagery or sound association and trigger the emotional level, therecan be no meditation in principle. Meditation is emotion-less.In real meditation there is no emotion and there is no thought processof any kind and no evaluation or comparison of anything whatsoever.But this is too subtle to try to describe in words in short spanof space we have here.So, 'the moral of the story' is that you need to learn to be awareand distinguish the music that in effect stimulates the mind activityand music that stimulates or reminds you nothing.
As soon as it eitherpaints something or reminds you something or creates any kind of imageryin your mind, that's it, it is no longer the meditation music. At best,it could be soothing and create some mellow and consoling 'trips'. Butthose are going to be the mind trips, not meditation.Real meditation can be described in two words: 'UTTER silence'.That is all there is to it. There is no thought, no picture,no emotion, no joy, no misery. There is only peace, balanceand a state of 'presence', as some call it. In meditation you are'present' this very moment and are aware or observant of your ownSelf and all the surrounding.No thoughts, no comparison, no evaluation, no emotion of any kind.Not all the music in the list below could be classified as genuinelymeditative by those who are real meditators and know about meditationfirst hand and not from some book.
Actually, it isn't quite easy toclassify the music as strictly meditative as any music is multi-dimensional.It has nearly infinite number of aspects, some of which may have todo something with meditation, but not all, by far.But at least most of the music below is not aggressive or violent, at leastfor the most part, even though most of the musicians and producersare not likely to be the real meditators themselves. So, they start mixingthings, adding some embellishments to make it 'more beautiful',and trying to make it look like something meditative, but those are justmind constructions for the most part that came out of some stories they haveread in some book or from some 'teacher' or a 'group leader'. There areplenty of those nowadays. The 'spiritual business' these days is probablythe hottest it has ever been in the entire history.You can also perform your own search to find more meditation music.For example.